Tag Archives: Kerosene

The Most Common Uses of Kerosene

Kerosene is known by many different names including boiler juice, heating oil, paraffin and standard kerosene. Produced through the distillation of crude oil kerosene is a thin clear liquid traditionally used for heating, lighting, for powering various types of aircraft and within home-based central heating systems. Kerosene is one of the most traditional sources of […]

Back to the Old Days with Paraffin Heaters

With energy prices driving some people to distraction, conservation may be taking us all back to the future. ‘Paraffin heater’ is an old familiar term that is getting a whole new look, as well as new technology to bring it into the twenty first century. Oil refiners and heater manufacturers have worked hard to develop […]

Kerosene Conservation Helps Secure Crude Oil Reserves

Discovery of new oil reserves is not keeping pace with consumption and the UK is not exempt from rising kerosene prices posed by the diminishing supply. The long term answers will come from cost effective new energy sources, but the short term will require learning a variety of ways to conserve kerosene fuel. Kerosene suppliers […]

What are the alternatives for kerosene with declining crude oil reserves?

Like the dinosaurs, crude oil is going to die out, and we need to begin looking for alternatives to kerosene for heating our buildings. While there are alternative energy sources in various stages of development, kerosene prices are still the most cost effective for many areas of the country, and it’s easy to find local […]